The Power of Authenticity: How Documenting Beats Creating in Marketing

authentic marketing strategies building trust through transparency business storytelling content creation efficiency engaging content production gary vaynerchuk marketing philosophy marketing time management real-time business insights relationship building in business value-driven content Feb 23, 2024
The Power of Authenticity: How Documenting Beats Creating in Marketing

By Kevin Johnson, Leverage Consulting


In my journey through the corridors of businesses, both fledgling and established, a common refrain echoes against the walls: "We just don't have time to invest in marketing." This sentiment, though understandable, overlooks a fundamental truth about modern marketing—a truth that has been brilliantly encapsulated by Gary Vaynerchuk with the mantra: "Document, don't create."

As a consultant at Leverage Consulting, I've had the privilege of guiding many business owners and managers through the maze of marketing strategies. And one of the most powerful lessons I've learned and shared is the incredible value of simply documenting the journey of your business, rather than trying to conjure up content out of thin air.


The Wealth of Knowledge Within

Every business owner I've worked with possesses a wealth of knowledge and engages in remarkable activities daily. This isn't hyperbole; it's a fact. From the nuanced ways you solve your customers' problems to the unique aspects of your daily operations, your business is a goldmine of stories waiting to be told. The challenge, however, isn't in finding what to market but in recognizing the value of these everyday actions and insights.


The Gary Vaynerchuk Philosophy

Gary Vaynerchuk's advice to "document, don't create" is a beacon of efficiency in the often time-consuming endeavor of content creation. The idea is disarmingly simple: focus on the wealth of content that naturally arises from your daily business operations. Instead of spending hours brainstorming and crafting marketing material from scratch, turn your attention to what you're already doing. Documenting these real, authentic moments and insights takes minutes, not hours, and the result is profoundly more engaging content.


Why Documenting Works

Documenting works because it peels back the curtain on your business, offering a glimpse into the reality of your operations, the expertise of your team, and the values that drive your decisions. This authenticity is magnetic. It builds trust with your audience because people gravitate towards genuineness. They want to know who they are doing business with, and they want to learn from those who have walked the path before them.

Consider this: when you share a piece of content that showcases a problem you've solved for a client, you're not just marketing your services; you're demonstrating your expertise and the tangible value you provide. When you share insights from your daily operations, you're not just filling space on a social media feed; you're teaching and adding value. And when you share who you are and what your business stands for, you're building a connection that transcends the transactional nature of business.


The Ripple Effect

The ripple effect of documenting over creating is profound. By integrating this approach into your marketing strategy, you're not only saving time; you're also creating a more authentic, engaging, and sustainable way to communicate with your audience. This doesn't mean that every piece of content will resonate with everyone. But that's not the goal. The objective is to consistently share your expertise, how you help people, and who you are as a person and a professional.

In the end, people like doing business with people they like and trust. By documenting your journey, your challenges, your solutions, and your successes, you're not just marketing; you're building relationships. And in the business world, relationships are the currency that truly matters. So, to all the business owners and managers out there, I say: embrace the power of documenting. It's a small investment of time that promises substantial growth for your business.

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